
Picasso, Windex, and Creative Leadership

Yesterday morning I washed windows. A cold winter led to a decision for inside storms on interior windows that border an unheated porch. Washing the windows wasn’t a big deal, but a job I put off. Then, an email announced the upcoming installation and a reminder that clean inside windows mean no need to remove the new storms anytime soon. I grudgingly left my desk, and got the Windex and paper towels.

Pablo Picasso reminds us it takes a long time to become young. I think I just learned something important about what he meant.

As I was spraying the Windex, I suddenly remembered how, as a young child, I begged my mother to let me wash the glass front door, and I turned it into a host of games.

I was a friend of Elroy on the “Jetsons,” and the Windex was my ray gun. I was Dale Evans, working with Roy Rogers to protect the Double R Bar Ranch from bandits. I was a museum employee, polishing the glass on a great work of art – and it needed to be spotless. I was a scientist doing important experiments: how long before the paper towel became too wet to clean without smudges? How much Windex was required to do the job without being wasteful? We had the cleanest front door in town! My mother was happy. And I had a blast.

So, yesterday I enjoyed the childhood recollections and spritzed away the morning with a smile. I played scientist again, and developed my own data-based tricks to maximize speed and quality – windows warmed by the sun needed a different wiping pace than the cold ones; cold windows needed drier paper towels than the warm; the edges of the panes needed special care and thorough drying, while clean damp centers seemed to take care of themselves. I complimented my inner child on her experimental design and mindfulness– and kept happily spritzing.

During rests, I took in the views. I watched a young mother stop and carefully lift her child from a carriage to look at an evergreen bough blowing in the wind. I saw how well the new robotic arm on our town’s garbage truck emptied the neighborhood’s heavy cans – saving, I’m sure, the precious backs of many a sanitation worker. I enjoyed two spirited Golden doodles romping down and around the sidewalk, repeatedly tangling their leashes to their walker’s dismay.

Then I suddenly found myself thinking in new ways about a grant application I was writing: phrases and data to include started to come freely. The idea for this blog post emerged, as did a playful list of leadership wisdom – useful ditties such as,

  • It’s more efficient to clean things up from the top down: dirty drips make a mess for the bottom and lead to a lot of wasted time and effort.
  • Sometime just in time is just fine.
  • Figuring out what’s on your side of the glass and what’s on the other is critical: if it ain’t your dirt to clean, you can polish to your heart’s content to no avail.

Play is the well-spring of joy and creativity for children and adults. It activates different parts of the brain, relaxes our defenses, and frees us to think outside current cognitive constraints.

There is plenty of research on the links among play, creativity, successful entrepreneurship, and the development of 21st century organizational skills. More than forty years ago, organizational guru Jim March  – in an extension of his work on decision making with Nobel Laureate Herb Simon — advocated for the vital role of playfulness in his landmark book with Johan Olsen, Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations.[1]  Play, according to March, is an antidote to the natural limits in how humans think: we may think we are  looking at all our options, but we only see those that fit within our mental models and beliefs about what the world is and how it works.

Escape is possible, continued March, if we let ourselves play — deliberately embrace “the power of sensible foolishness” in order to open our minds to new ways of thinking and being.

Play gets a negative rap in the adult world – “grow up,” “stop being such a child,” “quit playing around,” and the like.  Play, however, is a critical leadership skill when viewed as an essential complement, not an enemy, of rational thinking – a kind of “Mardi Gras of reason” that affords our minds a planned occasion for creative experimentation, relaxed reflection, free and unrestricted associations, and openness to innovative solutions just waiting to be found. 

How are you going to productively play today?  What project could use some innovative thinking?  What will enable you to free your creative mind?

[1] March, J. G. (1976). “The Technology of Foolishness” in March, J. G. and J. Olsen (ed.). Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Bergen, Norway: Universitetsforlaget.


Leaders, Boost Your Creativity in 2012: Five Suggestions for the New Year

It’s resolution time. I’ve made my list and share five suggestions for yours to boost creativity in 2012.

Times are tough, and every industry is rethinking how it does business. Creativity and the capacity to think deeply and flexibly can pull an organization ahead of the crowd. How can you enhance your capacities and help your organization claim its competitive advantage?  Suggestions to boost your innovation brainpower:

1.  Read more fiction. There are plenty of benefits. Build new neuronal circuits. Deepen your knowledge of the human condition – and learn about yourself as your reflect on your responses. Improve your vocabulary, beef up those communication skills. Expand your cultural intelligence. Leadership is all about influence, communication, relationships, and seeing the simplicity on the other side of complexity. 

No time for major tomes? Try The Art of the Novella Series: short novels by some of literature’s greatest – Melville, James, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Twain, and more. The tiny classics tuck easily into a brief case, purse, or pocket – and their colorful contemporary covers are great conversation starters.

My first was a holiday gift – The Dialogue of the Dogs by Cervantes. Turns out the creator of Don Quixote also wrote the first talking-dog story. Ever wonder what your pet is really thinking, and what Fido can teach you about ethics and fairness?  I loved it: a quick read and deep ideas. I was hooked on the novella.

The Duel by Heinrich von Kleist (a 19th century German author I knew nothing about) was next. Read it, and let me know how your thinking about loyalty, everyday assumptions, and trust have changed.

I’m on The Lifted Veil by George Eliot now — her only work in the first person with eerie similarities to  Eliot’s claiming her public identity as a woman author. Next in line The Lemoine Affair by Proust — and a look at why humans are so easily conned!  Think shades of Bernie Madoff. 

2.  Discover the power and joy of quiet. We live in a world of 24/7 stimulation and news. We text, email, surf, and sit in front of screens (computer and TV) more and more (and Nicholas Carr in The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains paints a dire portrait of the neurological, intellectual, and cultural consequences). Creativity requires quiet – the time and space to think. Find ways to build that into your day. Mindfulness is not a luxury for strong leadership.

3.  Break the work addiction. All work and no play makes for dull, burned-out people – and maybe even dead ones. The Chinese pictograph for “busy” is two characters: “heart” and “killing.” Loving your work isn’t the same as being a slave to it. You’ll work better and smarter when refreshed. Play is productive.

4. Think gray. It’s simple and counter-intuitive: train yourself to not make decisions quickly. You’ll fall into your regular thinking patterns easily: you need to push yourself to think slowly and carefully about what you’re not thinking about. That’s where you’ll navigate through the shades of gray to identify the best course of action. It’s hard to think gray: humans love binary, right-wrong, yes-no, black-white thinking. The concept comes from Steven Sample (the highly successful president emeritus of the University of Southern California) and is developed in his chapter in Business Leadership.

5. Embrace the novice role. Experience the world with new eyes. It’s good for mind and soul. A good way is to try something you’ve never done but have always wanted to or that you know you don’t do well. The process of learning slows life down, encourages mindfulness, and fine-tunes your skills as a reflective practitioner – a definite leadership plus. You might discover a new talent or passion in the process. 

Onward to a creative 2012 for us all! 


What is Leadership? Service to America Winners Offer their View

On Leadership

ADNODE: ;; AVCREDIT: Ben de la Cruz and AJ Chavar ;; BLURB: What is leadership? Eight of the 2011 Service to America award winners, recognized by the Partnership for Public Service for their outstanding contributions as federal workers, answer the question. Winners highlighted in this video include Alfonso Batres, Diane Braunstein, C. Norman Coleman, James Michael Duncan, William A. Gahl, W. Todd Grams, Charles Heurich and Paul Hsieh. Interviews were 
conducted by The Washington Post's Lillian Cunningham and Melissa Steffan.  ;; EDITOR: ;; HEADLINE: On Leadership: Service to America winners 2011  ;; HEIGHT: 270 ;; HIDDENCOM: nhp; on leadership; onleadership; service to america; service to america awards; sammies; partnership for public service; sammies 2011; service to america winners; 2011 service to america awards; public service leadership; federal leaders  ;; KEYWORDS: nhp; on leadership; onleadership; service to america; service to 
america awards; sammies; partnership for public service; sammies 2011; service to america winners; 2011 service to america awards; public service leadership; federal leaders  ;; LENGTH:  ;; MEDIAPLAYER: Ninja ;; ORBITID:  ;; PLAYLIST: LI2009102302738 ;; PNAVSEC: /media/nation ;; PUBLISH: YES ;; SEARCH: YES ;; SHOOTDATE: 2011-09-16 08:14:17 ;; SLUG: 09162011-43v ;; SMEDIAURL: ;; SOURCE: The Washington Post ;; WIDTH: 480 ;;

Service to America winners 2011

What is leadership?  It’s a question I’m regularly asked and that real leaders ponder often.

Eight of the 2011 Service to America award winners provide their take on the answer.  

Each Fall, the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals ceremony honors federal employees who have made significant contributions to our country.

The honorees are chosen based on their commitment and innovation and on the impact of their work in meeting key national needs. These folks clearly know something about leading.  More important, they are doing it and doing it well.  Partnership. Collaboration. Creativity.  Innovation.  Vision.  May you be inspired to great service.   


Lead like a Rebel: Be Your Greatest Self

Learnings, reflections, stories, and eulogies abound at the death of Steve Jobs. It’s no surprise. The guy really made a difference in how the world thinks about communications, beauty, technology, design, personal computers, telephones, music, virtual relationships, entertainment, movies, and more. Sure, he made plenty of mistakes – who doesn’t?  And by all accounts, Steve was headstrong, cantankerous, stubborn, a perfectionist, and a highly demanding (and sometimes over-controlling) boss. 

But he was also a visionary — a student of mindfulness who worked hard to be true to himself.  And at the end of the day, his authenticity drove his passions and creativity – and we all benefitted from that.

I repost excerpts from Nilofer Merchant’s reflection on Jobs’s real legacy: the reminder to design and live our own life. Interesting to think about why we so often forget that very important truth.  

What can you do right now to free your inner rebel? Focus your energies on the things that really matter to you?  Find the contribution that is yours alone to make?  No apologies. No excuses. No jumping through someone else’s hoop. No living someone else’s life.    

What are you going to do with your gifts and talents to make a difference?  I’m confident you’ll figure that out, and I’ll be cheering you on. I’d like someday to celebrate your impact and legacy of greatness, too.   


imageWhile there are many things worth celebrating of Steve Jobs’ life, the greatest gift Steve gave us is a way to design our own lives.

In our society, thinking for ourselves is not highly valued. Our education model was designed with the 19th century more than the 21st century in mind. It reinforces fitting in and suppresses much of the natural creativity we start with. That’s how we go from drawing and acting and make-believe to PowerPoint. If we allow creativity at all, it is limited to arts and sports. "Real work" has us looking like a Dilbert character. Between the pressures of our teachers, parents, and ultimately co-workers, we often give up any search for personal meaning as we aim to belong to a tribe. After a while, we may not even believe we have something unique to offer. Rather than figure out what we are each about, far too many of us live within the boxes others define.

To live in a box defined by someone else is to deny our uniqueness. Each of us is standing in a spot no one else occupies. That unique perspective is born of our accumulated experience, perspective, and vision. When we deny these things, we deny that which only we can bring to the situation, our onlyness. And that is surely not the way the world is made better.

I’m reminded of the ad copy Steve initiated when he returned to Apple:

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. (Apple Inc.)

The problem with being a rebel, a misfit, a troublemaker is that the masses will not be cheering you on. Rosa Parks might be a heroine today, but at the time, she lost her job. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. both had huge dissension within their own communities. It took Jobs years to come up with a turnaround strategy that showed what Apple could do. People forget the years between 1996-2001 where much of the market called him more insane, than insanely great.

But he knew that his journey was to apply what only he could — from his meticulous design methodology, to reimagining computing, to building a different type of company. He realized — and showed us — that our real job is not to conform to what others think. Instead, we need to recognize that our life’s goal is to find our own unique way in the world.

That is the fundamental gift of Steve Jobs. His insane greatness was to find his own journey and to live his life this way. He didn’t worry about being weird; he only wanted to be himself.  He was competitive, sure, but mostly against himself.

So I ask you to join me in honoring Steve’s greatness not by trying to be Steve, but by trying to be your greatest self.