
Real Leadership is Love

Happy Valentine’s Day. Today is the perfect day to reflect on an important leadership truth. Leadership is all about love.

It’s about devotion to a cause or an organization and the deep desire to contribute in important ways.

It’s about the satisfaction from true partnership and recognition that there is power and possibility in joining with others.

It’s about deep relationships and collaboration that result in the reciprocal learning at the heart of shared mission and purpose.

It’s about appreciation for others who are vital to advancing a mission.

It’s about the maturity to separate liking someone from recognizing that we owe everyone basic human respect and a willingness to work well with them to advance a common cause.

It’s about authenticity and bringing your true self to the work.

It’s about finding joy in the challenges and the experiences. (See my previous posts on raising your joy quotient).

It’s about commitment, hard work, hanging-in during tough times, and growing from the experience.

Leadership is all about love. Is love at the center of what you do?  What would need to change to make it so?